ENERSIM Versão Odoo 14.0-20231106

Informações sobre o ENERSIM instância do Odoo, a ERP de Código Aberto.

Aplicativos Instalados

Simulador Web
Create and share Meet video conferences with other users
Jitsi Meet
Create and share Jitsi Meet video conferences with other users and external partners
Jitsi Meet Lead
Create and share Jitsi Meet video conferences with other users and external partners
Rastreie prospectos e feche oportunidades
Criador de site da Web da empresa
Email Marketing
Desenhar, enviar e seguir emails
Módulo fiscal brasileiro
Brazilian fiscal core module.
Mass Mailing Automation
Module for Automation mass mailing
Mass Mailing Base 14
Base for mass mailing sms messages 14
General Search in Tree View
General Search in Tree View
Row Number in tree/list view
Show row number in tree/list view.
Web Window Title
web window title with company name
Chat, gateway de e-mail e canais privados
Centralize seus contatos
Agente reuniões com funcionários
Marketing SMS
Planeje, envie e rasteei SMS

Localizações Instaladas / Plano de Contas

Módulo fiscal brasileiro
Brazilian fiscal core module.
Brazilian Localization Base
Customization of base module for implementations in Brazil.
Brazilian Localisation ZIP Codes
Brazilian Localisation ZIP Codes